It was March of 1972. Swami Rama was well into the fast he had undertaken to restore his body. The weather was growing warmer with each passing day. Hot weather had always been difficult for me, and this time was no exception. Swamiji had told me to immerse myself in the Ganges twice a day, and to remain there for some time until my body had become thoroughly cooled. He assured me that those two dips would keep my body comfortable in spite of the heat. This routine proved to be effective.
At that time the Ganges was running close to the wall of the ashram, and was relatively deep in spots. I had found a large rock on which I could sit and be immersed in water up to my neck. Even though the current was strong I was able to sit with my back to it, brace my feet and hang on. It was a routine that I grew to anticipate and love. As I floated in that heavenly womb, I would lose all track of time. Often times I would look to the top of the dyke to see Swamiji standing and watching me.
One afternoon as I was getting out of the water, I began to hear the sound of OM. It was an indescribable sound that resonated through my entire being. It was a sound that I identified as the sound I had experienced when I visited an electrical generating plant and stood beside one of the enormous turbines that generated electricity. I continued to hear that sound as I returned to the ashram and during my walk through the garden.
I reported my experience to Swamiji. His response was that it was but natural to hear that resonating sound of OM as it was present in every part of the ashram having been repeated there for endless years.