
Ramkunj Ashram

Ramkunj, Rama’s abode in Haridwar, was established in 1961 by Shri Swami Rama. The ashram is situated right on the bank of Holy Gangas. On the East of the ashram is Gangas. On the West is Bund which separates the ashram from rest Haridwar. Himalayan range on the north makes a beautiful landscape. In the ashram premises an ancient Shiva Lingam was found. Swami Rama knew that the Shiva Lingam was being worshiped by three Hrishies in the past, In June 21, 1971, on Ganga Dussehra (Rama’s Birthday). The Shiva Lingam was installed by Swami Rama, the temple was therafter named ‘Omkareshwar’

Ramkunj is a symbol of harmony and tranquillity.


Explore Ramkunj

Explore Ramkunj and its meditation centers around the world through its past. Swami Rama was the citizen of the world. He travelled to meet his disciples and devotees. See his mentoring them and carrying out holy rituals.


Akhanda Dhyana Dharana Satsang Camp

RamKunj have been holding ADDC program for many years. Swami Rama has started ADDC program in his Ashrams and spiritual centres at Dhoopvan, TulsiVatika, Ramkunj Haridwar, New Delhi and Pune as well as in Indore, Dharwad,Tadas, Belgaum and other places. For ADDC programs Swami Rama prescribed a code of conduct, which the aspirant must follow rigidly while the camp is on and there after imbibe the practice in his/her everyday life. ADDC to train the aspirants in cultivating the attitude to see God in every action and every thought, voluntary or involuntary, by keeping the consciousness of the Omnipotent Lord constant.

Purpose of ADDC programs are:

# To follow self-discipline in day to day life.

# To practice of eating healthy diet for healthy life.

# Daily Yog and Pranayama for healthy life and spiritual upliftment.

# To practice control mind by easy methods.

# To detoxing of all three bodies.

# To equalization of three gunas or three attributes.

# Purification of Panch-koshas.

# To achieve Supreme blissful consciousness.

Since the purity of the atmosphere is to be maintained, all the services at the Camp are be performed by the participants themselves, No one is allowed to enter the Camp after it has started nor permitted to leave the Camp until it is over. Using mobile phones, talking or gossiping are strictly prohibited during the Camp. A schedule is drawn up dividing the day-time for the Camp activities.


ॐ ब्रह्मानन्दं परमसुखदं केवलं ज्ञानमूर्तिं 
द्वन्द्वातीतं गगनसदृशं तत्त्वमस्यादिलक्ष्यम् ।
एकं नित्यं विमलमचलं सर्वधीसाक्षिभूतं
भावातीतं त्रिगुणरहितं सद्गुरुं तं नमामि ॥

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