Swami Rama was born on June 8, 1903, the 10th day after the new moon day in the Hindi month of Jyestha.  The birthday usually falls in the last week of May or the first week of June.

Swami Rama was born on Ganga Dashera day.  Ganga came to earth that day.

Swamiji’s Nirwan day is the 3rd day after the full moon day in the Hindi month of Bhadrapad, usually in September.

Swamiji’s Nirwan day is the fortnight of Shraddha.  Shraddha ceremony is performed during this fortnight.  Swamiji left his body on the 3rd day of this fortnight.

Swamiji attained realization on the 1st of February in 1929 at the house of

Sridhar Mujju in Kashmir.  Full realization was established in the year of 1935.

Swami Rama used to check himself for Sat, Chit, Anand; fearlessness, unity and joy to be reflected in his actions.

September 2003