ITYA NEWS LETTER – MEDITATION by Duean Ellis.paga1. WINTER 1971 (NOTE: It is suggested that the notes on Meditation are read completely in the first instance before attempting any meditation technique. If you wish seriously to practice MEDITATION then it…

It was March of 1972. Swami Rama was well into the fast he had undertaken to restore his body. The weather was growing warmer with each passing day. Hot weather had always been difficult for me, and this time was…

It was the month of February, 1973 that my daughter Priscilla”s life was saved by Swami Rama’s intervention. Priscilla was a senior at Ohio State University. After suffering severe abdominal pains for over a day, she was admitted to the…
In 1965 I was forty-two years old. For the previous six years I had been actively searching for answers to my long unanswered questions about God and the meaning of existence. This search had taken me on a convoluted route…

Swami Rama was born on June 8, 1903, the 10th day after the new moon day in the Hindi month of Jyestha. The birthday usually falls in the last week of May or the first week of June. Swami Rama…

My life really began on March 24, 1968, the day that I first met Swami Rama. I realize now that the previous forty-six years had been spent in preparation for that day. I had accompanied my friend Alice Christensen on…

This experience happened in February of 1973. I had returned from India the end of the previous December. I was trying to carry on with the routine Swamiji had suggested for me, and was doing my asanas in the room…

My father had always been a primary figure in my life. When he finally left his body in February of 1970 at the age of 89 I was deeply and emotionally involved in the event. At that time Swamiji had…
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